Paweł Finder
Persons, originating from Poland

Paweł Finder

Born 19 September 1904 in Bielsko-Biala
Died 26 July 1944 in Warsaw
Finder was a Polish communist leader and First Secretary of the PPR (Communist Party) from 1943 to 1944.

Finder came from an affluent shopkeeping family in Bielsko-Biala. He studied chemistry and graduated as a Chemical Engineer. From 1922 he was a member of the Communist Party. He was active in the underground KPP.
He was arrested in 1934 and sentenced to 12 years' imprisonment. During the German and Soviet invasions of Poland in September 1939 he was able to flee the Rawicz prison and went to the USSR.
On 27 December 1941 he parachuted into Poland, trying to organise a new comunist party. Finder was arrested by the Gestapo on 14 December 1943 and imprisoned in the Pawiak prison. He was identified and tortured. Finder was shot by the Nazis in the ruins of the Warsaw ghetto as they evacuated and demolished the Pawiak prison in July 1944.
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Polonica stamps:

German Dem. Rep. 1962, 23 III